Is your payroll efficient? Are you able to measure this? Implementing cost saving measures does not necessarily mean that your payroll is efficient. Now moving on to Compliance. We have a myriad of regulations to comply with in Australia in both labour and tax laws. Payroll can be a hefty internal expense for employers to be effective in compliance.
If your answer is, “my payroll is efficient as it can be”, then it really is not efficient is it? Worse, you actually know this.
You probably have a well-trained payroll team, however, they are required to work on an antiquated piece of software. This is not efficient and from time to time a little mistake will pop up which creates a negative experience to your employees and payroll team.
Or, do have the best technology today, however, only know how to use 10% of it’s features.
Investment in your staff and software are of equal importance.
Regular updates and training of your staff are important. The software landscape has changed dramatically with cloud computing.
Difficulties of yesterday are simplified today.
As Molly said, “Do yourself a favour”
See what is out there is today and answer
My Payroll is Efficient. And Compliant